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Member Spotlight | Shannon Laul

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Shannon Laul

Lead Trainer & Executive Safety Consultant | Signature Safety

Why did you become involved in PWC NJ? 

Empowering and supporting women in today’s world is critical in almost any field.  However, as construction remains a male-dominated field, it is more important than ever to continue to forge a more well-lit path for women.

What is your favorite part about being a member of PWC NJ?

I am new to PWC, so as I learn more and more about the organization, and as I meet more members, I have been so impressed with the supportive, forward-thinking culture PWC strives to provide for all of those involved in any capacity with it.

What is the most important skill you have developed in your career?

To meet people where they are at.  To form meaningful connections with vastly different people the way THEY need to be connected to.  At the end of the day, once you learn how to find the good in people (and bring it to the surface if it’s a bit buried), the result always moves the team forward. People give you their best when they feel valued.

What is your favorite project that you have worked on in your career?

Hands down, the construction of the Statue of Liberty Museum that houses the original torch.  It was completed by our client, Phelps Construction Group, on Liberty Island.  The history was fascinating, the area breathtaking, and the project was an insane logistical challenge and still a construction masterpiece.  Taking the (crazy early) construction workers’ ferry over to the island, while the sun came up over the water, was beautiful, and emotional, every single time.